Wednesday, 17 November 2010

A new hat

A new hat
Originally uploaded by smith-keitley
Now we are going out in the cold, I need a hat. The big flower looks cool.

Dad keeps trying to catch me smiling, I'll have to let him soon.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Lucinda at 3 Months

Originally uploaded by smith-keitley
Our little lady is now talking and chatting away - not real words, but assorted peeps, squeaks and other noises.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Asleep in Starbucks with Foxy from IKEA

We went to Starbucks - they had coffee, I had a sleep, then a bottle. I have to take Foxy with me everywhere now = he's a Swedish fox from IKEA.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Testing the new sofas

Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
Mum got new sofas for the 0-14 Nursery, so I got to try one out. It was very comfortable, even matched my outfit.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Lucinda & Grandma

Lucinda & Grandma
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
This is me and Grandma before the pilgramage.

I took my first trip to IKEA today, came back with a sing Fox (mum calls it Foxy and a Zebra hand puppet that Dad thinks is funny.

Lucinda's animals

Lucinda's animals
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
I have lots of stuffed animals. Unfortunately Mum isn't very creative with names.

I have Gerry Giraffe, Piggie Pig, Paris Bear (came from Paris) Polar (the white bear) and a few more - I guess you get the picture.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Sitting with Anne

Sitting with Anne
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
Today we went out to lunch with Mum's cousins Anne and Nigel. We went to the Punch Bowl in Bridgnorth - the number 2 carvery in the country. They said the food was great, I got milk - as usual. I did get a cuddle from Anne though.

Anne and Nigel came in the Morgan as well, it was good weather so it was a good day for it.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Lucinda at 5 weeks

Lucinda at 5 weeks
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
Today Lucinda was 5 weeks old. She came over to work with Mum, chilled out in a bouncy chair and then went to be registered.

Her full registered name is Lucinda Elizabeth Smith-Keitley, Dad wanted to add in Boadicea, but Mum persuaded him not to.

In the afternoon we tried out the Baby Bjorn carrier, in true Swedish style it fits perfectly, holds Lucinda nicely, it just looks, well - different.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

First shopping trip

Today we went for our first real shopping trip. I am one month old so now I get to wear trousers and socks.

It was a good trip, we went for coffee - well Mum and Dad did and I slept. Word to the wise, Costa's is less busy than Starbucks, less expensive than Starbucks, and is also fresh brewed so it doesn't get burned - Dad's words!

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

My new slippers - M&S you know!

Grandma says that you should always buy your underwear, dressing gown and slippers from Marks and Spencers.

I don't need underwear or a dressing gown just yet, so she got me slippers!

Very Pink

Very Pink
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
Little girls always get pink everything. However in hindsight some things are just too pink. Poor Lucinda has to sleep with her arms away from her face because her sleep suit is just too pink.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Lucinda at 16 days

Lucinda at 16 days
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
At 16 days old Lucinda has her eyes open a lot more and she watches. Obviously she can't really see clearly yet, and she really doesn't smile, but it looks as if she does recognise you and smile.

Tiny Hand

Tiny Hand
Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
Lucinda has the longest fingers, just like her mum. She will probably play the piano, just like her mum. Her hands fascinate me, especially how she grabs a hold of my finger while she is being fed.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Lucinda Arrives

Originally uploaded by keitley-fletcher
August 4th 11:38pm, Lucinda Elizabeth Smith-Keitley is born. There are no words to express the feeling of sitting in the hospital with Liz attached to a baby monitor watching heart rate and contractions. It became apparent that the contractions were not helping Lucinda as her heartbeat dipped after each major contraction.

At 11pm the consultant on call decided that she was in too much discomfort and Liz was rushed off for an emergency c-section.

At 11:38pm there were healthy cries as Lucinda was brought into the world, shortly after that she was placed in my arms, wrapped only in a towel. At that point 'life changed everything'.